Freezing Whole Tomatoes

My mother-in-law has four deep freezers. Each one is jam packed with frozen fruits, vegetables, cakes, breads and whatever else can be frozen. With the short growing season in Finland, she harvests her produce and freezes it as to not be wasteful.
I’m striving not to be wasteful with veggies from our garden. So far, we’ve only have success with tomatoes this season. Lots of success. What to do with the tomatoes before they go bad? I made marinara sauce with the grape tomatoes, but had plenty of larger tomatoes that needed to be used.
I asked around and found out you can freeze whole tomatoes. Who knew?!
It’s quick and much easier than canning, which I have no clue how to do.

Yeah, look at these bad boys. They got a bit overripe in the garden, but still taste delicious.

After a quick rinse throw them in a pot of boiling water. Be sure not to fill the pot too full or you’ll end up with water splashing out on the stovetop. Not that that happened to me or anything…
boiling tomatoes

Freezing whole tomatoes is quick and easy

Cook until skin starts to look wrinkly or begins falling off. Mine took about 8 minutes. Let cool before peeling.

Throw in plastic freezer bag, glass jar or however you want to freeze them.

Much healthier and tastier than canned tomatoes laced with sodium, citric acid and other needless ingredients. Best of all, we grew these tomatoes.

There’s more tomatoes to come. What else can I do with them?

One comment

  1. Slice and dehydrate. Also, the skins you removed to freeze… Dehydrate those them grind them up. Great for adding tomato flavor to things 😀


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