Our Garden Failed this Year

Daughter and garden

endofyeargarden3The garden wasn’t a success this year. It was more of a failure. The broccoli and cauliflower balked, the few carrots that grew were soft and chewy, the tomatoes were ugly and tasteless and several plants didn’t grow at all. I was disappointed because I was striving to provide our own vegetables and lead a more sustainable life.
But it hit me while I was pulling the dried, weed covered garden out. I was there with my family. My daughter collecting stray cherry tomatoes and my son content  in the dirt with a shovel. We were doing something together. My husband and I showed our daughter how to grow food. We visited Gorman Heritage Farm, where the garden is located, several times to check out the animals they have on hand.
While our original goal was to provide food for ourselves, the end result was teaching our kids the meaning of hard work (planting and picking the garden), patience (waiting for the crops to grow) and practice (learning to produce a fruitful garden). While you don’t always succeed you always learn something. It just depends on how you look at it.

One comment

  1. Ok so it didn’t look like Martha Stewart’s. So what! It’s a proven fact that the first year you garden is your worst. Due to all kinds of things… wrong plants, New soil, old soil, not enough water, to much water….. list is endless. Take time this winter to read up on some “never fail” plants and start fresh next year. You can do it sweetie! Aunt Margaret would be so proud of you.


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