
Wild Thistle


We ventured out to the garden yesterday as a family. The farm told us our plot had wild thistle we needed to pull.
In the hour we were there, Suvi needed to potty twice and Niko ate several handfuls of dirt. But they did enjoy digging with their tools.
I’m hoping the more they come with us, the more they’ll appreciate we’re growing our own food.
Our plan is to plant the first week of May. Now on to finalizing the layout of the garden.

Growing a Garden


Potatoes from fin-law’s garden.

Food is expensive in Finland. Fresh fruits and vegetables are particularly pricey. Combine high prices with the fact that Finns are green and that might be why many opt to grow gardens.

The Finnish growing season for vegetables is short due to their Nordic location. However, with days being extremely long (20+ hours) and full of light, flavors become condensed.

My finn-laws have a large garden where they grow potatoes, carrots, peas, cucumbers, rhubarb, black and red currants, gooseberries,  and strawberries.
My mother-in-law stores the fruits and veggies in a cellar to extend the life. She freezes some of the fruit and makes homemade juices and jams.


Bottles of homemade juice

This year we’re expanding our garden. We rented a plot of land at a local farm and will attempt to grow more vegetables and fruit.
My goal is to have a freezer full of homegrown food, like my mother-in-law.