Homemade Detangler

Finn Girl has typical Nordic hair. Super fine, tangles into a thousand knots if you look at it, and a shade of gorgeous, almost white blonde women pay for in a salon. She also has a tender scalp and a great set of lungs. Combine all these traits together and this, my friends, is the recipe for a daily epic meltdown.
She puts on an Oscar worthy performance while I brush her hair. The tears, the deceit, the pain. When is this going to stop? Why do I do this to her? Why, mom, WHY!?!
We go through bottles of syrupy, sweet detangler quickly. The artificial scents they use make me nauseous. What exactly does Apple Blossom Surprise and Strawberry Fizz Dessert smell like?
Then I read the ingredients and knew we could find a better, natural alternative.
The detangler recipe below is easy to make. It works, too! I added essential oils to create a pleasant scent.

Homemade Detangler

  • 12 ounce or larger spray bottle
  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 3 tablespoons marshmallow root (Ordered from Mountain Rose Herbs)
  • 2 tablespoons conditioner of choice (I used this one)
  • 10+ drops of essential oil of choice (optional)
  1. Add water and marshmallow root to small pan. Bring to a boil for one minute.
  2. Reduce heat and let simmer for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Let cool slightly and strain through a cheesecloth or very thin wire strainer. (You’ll have about 1.5 cups water at this point)
  4. While still warm, pour in to bottle, add conditioner and essential oils. Shake until mixed. (If ingredients don’t mix completely, I suggest putting them into a blender until mixed well.)
  5. Store for up to 2 months (it might last longer, but we go through the bottles quickly).

    *Recipe adapted from wellnessmama.com

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