Homemade Foaming Hand Soap


Ingredients needed to make hand soap.

I’m always washing my hands and my kids’ hands. Washing after playing at the park, picking their noses, and other gross things. You know, like crawling on public restroom floors, picking up chewed gum on the street, and digging through trash cans. We’re a classy bunch, can ya tell?
I adore the fancy-smelling foaming soaps. Lemon-basil, peach-coriander or rosemary mint, anyone?  But I’ve become a label reader and I didn’t like the ingredients listed. Or the price.
Why were dyes, sulfates, and weird ingredients in hand soap? Shouldn’t there be two or three ingredients? My favorite bar soap was an option, but I like foaming soap in the bathrooms and kitchen for easy use for kids.
Making foaming hand soap takes less than five minutes. It’s simple and costs a fraction of the fancy smelling stuff.
I used an old soap bottle that was originally filled with fancy hand soap. The key is the bottle must be a foaming dispenser. I’d like to buy this

The final product

The final product

bottle. It’s cute, sturdy and received good reviews.

Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap  (I bought mine on Amazon, but it can be purchased in most grocery stores in the health food section)
Almond oil (can substitute with olive, jojoba,  or grapeseed oil)
Water (distilled is best, but tap water is okay if the soap will be used within a couple weeks)
Essential oils

1. Fill bottle 2/3 full with water.
2. Add 2 tbsp. castile soap.
3. Add 1/2 tsp. oil.
4. Add essential oils of your choice.  (I love fruity, clean scents for warmer weather. Wild orange, lemon with mint, and lemongrass are my current favorites.)
5. Close container and lightly shake to mix ingredients.

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